January goal: get organized
I’m not huge on “resolutions.” I can never stick with them and come summer time, it’s like they never existed. I’d love to ride my peloton more, eat healthier and drink more water but those are things that are always looming over me in my ever present struggle to balance it all! I like to use January as a reset and focus on concrete goals and tasks that I’d like to accomplish. First step, get organized!
I’m not huge on “resolutions.” I can never stick with them and come summer time, it’s like they never existed. I’d love to ride my peloton more, eat healthier and drink more water but those are things that are always looming over me in my ever present struggle to balance it all! I like to use January as a reset and focus on concrete goals and tasks that I’d like to accomplish. First step, get organized!
After the December Holiday hustle and bustle, my house is a wreck! I am so exhausted that I usually take some time to just do nothing and let my kids play with it all, make the huge mess, and wear PJs all day. But after 2-3 days, I start getting annoyed with the clutter and that’s when I the fire gets lit, and my husband and children know to steer clear and let me do my thing! If getting organized is a goal you’d like to accomplish then follow along for my process, tips, and some ideas!
Step 1 - Make a plan
I like to make a list of all the areas I’d like to de-clutter and organize. Our playroom is always number 1 this time of year. But I have also added our linen closets, serving station, and pantry/grocery system. I like to tackle each area individually and making a list helps keep me on track. I usually start with the one that excites me the most, but if you’re not a hyper-organized lunatic like myself, I’d start with the largest project, that way it’s all down hill from there!
Step 2 - Purge
Once you’ve decided where you want to start, grab your trash bags, donation bins, and get cracking! I also like to bring a blank notepad and pencil (I rarely use pen, I change my mind and erase quite a bit and I hate wasting paper!) to write down my ideas of how I’d like things arranged and what kind of bins and things I need. How do you decide what should stay and what should go? This is a tough question and varies based on your personality. I am not one to hold onto things and can very easily throw things away. Typically, If I am unsure of something then I will ask my husband, who usually says trash it, and that’s the extra nudge I know I needed (seeya springy rocking horse!). But if you are one that does not easily discard then I suggest asking yourself the following questions:
How many of this object do you already have and how many do you truly need?
Are you really going to use this object or is it a placeholder to be replaced?
How old is it and when was the last time it was used (this questions is easy for food items, if its expired it’s got to go!)
Step 3 - Arrange
Now that you have gotten rid of all the things you no longer need, it’s time to categorize and arrange the items you are holding onto. I like to take all the items out of the space and put them in piles of categories so that I can see what can of bin or space they truly need.
I know it can be really exciting to go and buy all the cute and fun bins to store all your things in, but I highly suggest at least doing steps 1-2 before you purchase anything. While you're doing that, jot down what kind of containers you think you’ll need. Do you want clear or opaque? Lid or open? Stackable or open shelving? If you start with your largest project, you can always order or purchase extras for your smaller ones, that way everything looks cohesive. I have shared some of my favorite bins and organization products below!
Step 4 - Clean
Before you start putting all the things back in their in their newly assigned place within an adorable bin, make sure you clean your surfaces that you are working on. Wipe down the shelves, vacuum out the crevices and remove all the dust. This is my least favorite step, but it makes a huge difference!
Step 5 - Put it all together
Place all your belongings back in their new spot and step back and admire. I also suggest you bring over your husband, children, mother-in-law, etc. to admire your hard work and also explain where everything goes so this area can stay as nice as it looks until next year!
My Favorite Products to Organize With
Below are some of the items I currently use to organize and love. Some links are affiliate links so if you purchase, I do earn a small commission, but these are all items I have previously purchased and currently use!
Small Clear Bins - These are so versatile! I use them in my refrigerator, playroom, closets, pantry, anywhere! I like that you get a few size options with each and some are stackable.
Drawer Organizers - I have tried quite a few and the ones listed below are my favorites! The wooden ones are very sturdy and much better than those pre-made trays. I also use the clear ones in my refrigerator to organize my deli drawer and in my freezer!
Storage Bins with Lids - I use these mostly in our playroom but also in closets for items that we do not use everyday. I find I use the 5qt, 12qt, 19qt, and 40qt sets most. I like both the clear and opaque versions.
Woven Baskets - I like to use these in our laundry room to hold our dryer balls and also as a place to collect things from pockets. We also use them scattered about for easy to grab items like hats and gloves, washcloths, etc. They are another very versatile item and I think I have like 3-4 sets!
Open Storage Bins - I love these for my laundry room and linen closets. They make grabbing larger items like detergent or sheets easy!
Foldable Fabric Bins - Another super versatile bin! I love using these in my kids closets. I keep 2 of them in each of their closets and toss the next season or next size up of their clothes and shoes as I buy them in them. I also keep a large plastic lidded bin at the bottom so as they outgrow clothes or the season changes, I throw them in the plastic bin to sell/donate. I also use them in our playroom! These are a great size and much sturdier than others I have used!
I hope you enjoyed this run down of getting organized! Writing it all down has helped me prepare for my upcoming projects! In my next post, you can see me in action as I tackle my playroom, linen closet, food storage and meal planning/grocery shopping.
Is there a system or item you use and love? Is there something you’d like more help with? Leave a comment below!
putting a pen in 2022
It’s hard to believe that a little over a year ago, one of my best friends convinced me to start this business. Let me back up…In the Fall of 2021, I was chatting with a friend on her front porch (probably drinking a glass or two of wine) while our kids played and we were talking about birthday parties. Remember, this was during the pandemic when things around here in Maryland were finally starting to feel a little normal again. We were discussing our big plans, and all the cute little paper goods and favors we wanted to have for our kids’ upcoming fall birthdays, when it hit me, I could make those things!
It’s hard to believe that a little over a year ago, one of my best friends convinced me to start this business. Let me back up…In the Fall of 2021, I was chatting with a friend on her front porch (probably drinking a glass or two of wine) while our kids played and we were talking about birthday parties. Remember, this was during the pandemic when things around here in Maryland were finally starting to feel a little normal again. We were discussing our big plans, and all the cute little paper goods and favors we wanted to have for our kids’ upcoming fall birthdays, when it hit me, I could make those things! Prior to this, I had spent a good portion of the spring and summer teaching myself how to use Adobe Photoshop because I had made it a goal to make my own holiday card, so I could definitely make some party supplies and favor tags! As my friend and I continued discussing, she turned to me and said “You could do this, you know, like for real.” I remember sitting back for a moment and thinking, “I totally could!” There’s definitely more to it than just that, but thats how it all started, in nutshell!
I thought of a cute business name and created an instagram account, started following my close friends and sharing what I was creating. Luckily, I had quite a few friends with fall birthdays, and then as Halloween approached, there were favor tags for class parties and things. Since I had been planning all along to make my own holiday card, I thought why not make holidays cards for everyone else too! Looking back, starting things off during the fall was probably not the best timing, and I definitely felt the pressure. But I told myself that I’d give it these few months and see how things went before I dove head in.
Well, I LOVED it! In fact, I wanted to do so much more! The more I learned, the more I wanted to do! I started off by creating an LLC and that is when I found out that my beloved business name was already taken. I quickly pivoted to Mallory Designs (I honestly couldn't think of another name I liked as much as the first one, so I just went with my own name) because I didn't want to waste any time. I bought a domain name, and started working on my website, and here we are today!
When I look back on this past year, I am so proud of how far we’ve come (and by we, I mean myself and Mallory Designs, I really don’t think of my company as myself, she’s like her own being, my own little best friend). I never realized how much I needed this company until I am sitting here reflecting on this past year.
I had been a stay at home mom for five years when this all started. I never felt like I was missing anything, I guess I just never realized how much I needed some sort of creative outlet. I am still a ball of stress before any big launch, our laundry piles up way more than it used to, and dinners have more or less become reheated or take out, way more than I like to admit, but I feel so much more fulfilled.
So when I look back on 2022, I am so proud of how far we’ve come and so grateful for all the support from friends near and far! Every order that comes in, every email or DM request, and every time someone has shared something I’ve made for them, warms my heart beyond belief!
I am so excited to start another year, but I am also excited to take a little break and reflect a little more. I’ve really learned how important my family is to me, and how important balancing work and time with my husband and children really is. Even though I have big plans and probably 10,000 ideas of what I’d like to accomplish, my main goal for next year is to find balance in it all.
A Little Introduction
Hi there and welcome to the blog! I’m Mallory and I’ll be sharing my thoughts, ideas, tips, and anything else I hope would be useful in life, motherhood, and trying to keep it all together. I started this business officially on Jan. 1 2022, so here we are, a year in and I figured it was probably time to introduce myself!
Hi there and welcome to the blog! I’m Mallory and I’ll be sharing my thoughts, ideas, tips, and anything else I hope would be useful in life, motherhood, and trying to keep it all together. I started this business officially on Jan. 1 2022, so here we are, a year in and I figured it was probably time to introduce myself!
Originally from Virginia but currently living in Maryland with my husband and two children. I taught special education and worked in administration. After my daughter was born, I decided to stay home with her. A few years later my son was born and here we are today!
You can find me driving my kids to and from school and activities, tackling endless piles of laundry, visiting 3-4 different grocery stores a week, or late night painting/working while binge watching the latest Netflix obsession.